Doing two fashion shows in one summer has been a fun challenge. Now that I'm home and revived from my marathon of sewing, styling, and selling, I can finally digest some of my recent adventures.

Fashion shows are the most exciting part of my job. I love arranging all the details of each look, creating the pieces, and challenging myself to improve each time. The runway walk is the moment that the clothes feel most alive. We can imagine them in an artistic context that may or may not be realistic, like a character in a story.

I was planning to list the remaining dresses from the Tekko fashion show today, but unfortunately I shipped those looks back in boxes which won't arrive until Monday. I'll plan to have those listed next Friday instead (noon Pacific time).

Fresh out of post-con hibernation, I've been bursting with inspiration and creative energy. I've been cleaning my workspace and intermittently taking time to finish smaller projects that got left along the wayside. Clutter became side quests. I ended up with a mini collection of seasonal accessories that will be coming out soon enough (and a much tidier workspace).

Although I don't have any more fashion shows lined up in the immediate future, I have plenty of new ideas developing.

Photos from Tekko coming soon. Video coming eventually. In the meantime, I still have plenty to share from Fanime. These shows are incredible to produce and I'm honored to have the opportunity.

Your forest girl, 
